Saturday, October 28, 2006

Our October Surprise

And test the ease of posting pictures:

Our October Surprise:
While our cousins were getting ready for Hawaii we were experiencing this:

Two feet of unpredicted HEAVY snow fell on the Buffalo area the evening of October 12th through the morning of Friday the 13!
Because the trees still had all their leaves, they held the snow. The weight became too much to handle and many limbs fell...including this one on our roof:

Because the storm came without warning, the street departments did not salt the roads or have the plows ready:

Because all the trees fell, power lines came down with them and the power system in the area was destroyed. Fortunately for us, it only took two days to get our power back...Nater was without power for a full week!! Regardless, we were still VERY excited when our power came back. Two days in the cold and dark, bailing our sump, storing our food outside and cooking all our meals on the grill got old real fast.

Fortunately again, it never really got that cold, so the snow melted rather quickly, but it left quite a mess behind. A view of grandpa Pietrzak's front lawn:

...and grandma Steck's yard:
That's OK though. All is right in Buffalo. The Sabres are 10-0 !


Welcome to our new blog!

The change to a new provider was prompted by our desire for a more viewer friendly presentation, a more user friendly format, a service that is less susceptible to virus attack, and most importantly, we can now EASILY post pictures! unless someone advises us that this is a bad idea for some reason, our blog has moved.

I choose google because it seems to work fine for the Saeva's, and as evidenced by this post, I figured out how to use it and set up an account on my own with out the help of our Computer Science friends.

Unfortunately, the new site does not yet have a way to import old blogs, so in addition to the welcome and explanation for the change, this first post will merely serve as a link back to our old blog.