I definitely should have stayed in bed this morning...
I was running a little late in my morning routine, so I decided to forgo my usual breakfast at home and instead opted for Tim Horton's on my way to the job site. I ordered a French Vanilla Cappuccino, a vanilla cream doughnut and a toasted sesame seed bagel with cream cheese. The total came to $4.14. At the window, I gave the cashier a 5 dollar bill, a dime and four pennies so that I didn't receive a handful of change in return. In a sign of things to come, I received three quarters, two dimes and a nickel in change (wonderful).
As I pulled on to the 219, I grabbed my doughnut, disappointed to find a plain original in the bag, not the vanilla cream I was looking forward to (getting annoyed). As I moved on to my bagel, I realized on the first bite that they had neglected to toast it (really annoyed). I like my bagels toasted so the cream cheese melts and is not pasty. To wash down the pasty cream cheese, I took a sip of my French Vanilla Cappuccino only to discover that their dispensing machine must have needed more mix because my drink was about 98% hot water and 2% French Vanilla Cappuccino (unbelievable)!
When I reached the job site trailer, I anxiously went to the coffee machine to brew a fresh pot, only to realize that the water cooler was empty, our only source of water since our trailer does not have hard plumbing (
Generally, the work day did not go well. It seemed everywhere I turned, a new obstacle arose and the bickering between contractors was worse than usual today.
Weary after a disappointing morning, I was looking forward to the soup I had packed for lunch the night before. Upon checking my car and the trailer fridge, I realized that in my haste to leave this morning, I had forgotten my lunch (past the point of giving a damn).
Fortunately, Kristen made up for my terrible food day by have a nice dinner ready when I stepped in the door. Sitting here with a full belly, I am looking to a better all around day tomorrow.