Thank you to everyone who helped Aubrie celebrate her second birthday...overall it was a success. Aubrie got to hang out with lots of friends and family and she enjoyed her Lamb cake. Aubrie's 2 year old picture Aubrie spent some of her birthday money on a "Build a Bear" experience. (in this case, Build a Ba). Although fun, I think picking out clothes for Ba was a bit overwhelming. Aubrie is also very concerned about the heart that she put in Ba, mainly, how can she get it back out! Aubrie and her new Lamb from Build a Bear.
Aubrie modeling her new Valentines Day jewelry from Mommy. An early Birthday present designed and built by Daddy for all of Aubrie Little People and other toys.
Aubrie had her first gymnastics show today and even though she was quite distracted by daddy's presence, she did very well. She bounced on the tumble track... she swung on the bars... and visited with her buddy Morgan after class.