Friday, March 27, 2009

Mmmmm Poofs

Tyler's new favorite snack...he just needs to remember to take the pacifier out before the poofs go in :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Random Stuff

Aubrie had swimming lessons today, which she loves. She made the choice to stop taking ballet, so she could take swimming. She thinks that she is Ariel, and loves to swim under water. She is in the big kid class, without a floatie pack. She is the only girl with four little boys, which being the little diva that she is, she loves.

Tyler is doing well. He can hold his own bottle or sippy. I on the other hand, hate formula, especially at 3 in the morning when there are no clean bottles! He is gaining weight and seems to be much happier now that he is not scratching all the time. We have also started taking him swimming, which he likes, but he still hates baths at home.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tyler Update

Ty went to the doctor today for a weight check, just to make sure that he is back on track after being diagnosed with a milk allergy.

He gained 1 lb 8 oz in the last month...yay! We are in the big numbers now, 14 lbs 14 oz. All the way up to the second percentile for weight :). At least it is upward movement.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

A bit early, but we had pictures done today, so enjoy :)
As you can see, Tyler is doing much better now that he is off milk and milk related foods. He has been back to the dermatologist and been given a clean bill of health. We head back to the pediatrician next week to see if he has gained any weight in the last month...we are hoping for big numbers.
This picture seems to capture Aubrie's attitude perfectly! "Seriously, you want me to smile...whatever."