As those of you who were over on Friday night saw, we changed Aubrie's crib to a day bed, so she now has a 'Big Girl Bed.' For the past few weeks she has been climbing into our bed whenever we tell her to go to bed, so we thought that this might be a good time to try it in her room. After removing just about everything that she could climb on we tucked her in and waited to see what would happen...
Friday night she got up twice. The first time she must have been cold because she got every blanket out of her basket and stacked them on her bed. The second time the Cinnamon woke her up and we were woken up to "Hi Meow-Meow" repeatedly.
Saturday night was better, with her only waking up once, crying a little bit and then going right back to sleep. The last two nights have been great, slept all night!
Nap time is a bit more difficult, she needs to be very tired or else she just gets out of bed and plays in her room, but we are working on this.
Potty training comes next :(