Much to Aubrie's dismay, she is getting a baby brother not a baby sister. At this point in time, she is in denial, and will tell anyone who asks that we don't know what kind of baby we are getting. We have about 16 weeks to convince her that a baby brother is a good thing...she won't have to share her princesses!
Looks like we need to start buying blue clothes...just about everything we have for a baby is pink! More ultrasound pictures to come soon.
Congratulations!! I'm sure Aubrie will come around very quickly to her new baby brother.
Boys are so fun, but not nearly as fun to shop for! ;-)
Congrats! Sooo, all babies are not girls. Unless...they have this baby "misdiagnosed" like they had Aubrie for the first few months?
Wow, only 16 weeks! Congrats again!
We asked the tech if she was sure it was a boy...she bets her house on it. The baby was not very shy or modest. He made sure everyone saw everything.
Arrgh! I posted a few days ago but I don't see it... I'll attempt to reconstruct:
A BOY!! WOW!!!!! Congratulations. Apparently you have to be outside the Buffalo area to make boy babies? Hmmmmm... something in the water here.
Too bad none of us have little blue clothes to pass around! :)
And on to the most important question: Will this baby use Aubrie's wooden nursery initials? In the same or different order? Or an entirely different set of initials? We need some hints!!!
Congratuations! Zach is jealous. He's hoping for a little boy too, but I guess we have to wait another 10 weeks to find out. Hope your feeling good.
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