Our kitchen is ~85% done...mainly trim work left, and that is fairly low on the priority level since the kitchen is fully functional right now.
Our projects this past weekend included the initial construction of a second closet in our bedroom. Our house severely lacks closet space and until now, Daryl has used the closet in the nursery for his clothes. Once the baby gets here, we will need that closet space for his clothes and other assorted stuff that comes along with babies. Once the closet is finished, the room will need to be painted and a new ceiling fan installed.
Our other major project is the main bathroom renovation. Our bathroom is strait out of the 1970's, which is not really a big deal. We had planned on doing it next year, but Aubrie's exuberant bath taking (water seems to end up everywhere) has led to a leak in the floor of the bathroom into the room below. The floor tiles are also starting to pop off due to the excess water and lack of grout on the floor. Our decisions now revolve around completing the entire bathroom renovation with new whirlpool tub, wall and floor tiles, vanity, double sinks, light fixtures and paint, or do we do a "band aid" renovation and just fix the floor and put in the new vanity over the new floor. I would prefer to get everything done at once, but again, time is an issue.
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