On that note, we spent the past weekend in Rochester and Buffalo, so we did nothing on the house, but we got to see many friends and family. Thursday and Friday were spent in Rochester with Grammy and Papa P. We had frozen custard at Abbots, and went to a parade and craft show. Aubrie got to play bubbles and take long walks with Grammy and Barron.
Saturday was spent in Buffalo with Daryl's family. We got breakfast at Exquisite Taste, my favorite coffee house and then Daryl helped his brother at his new house while I went shopping for Buffalo "things." Unfortunately I came up short in my quest for baby Sabres merchandise, but I was able to find a baby Bills onsie and cap. That afternoon we went swimming at Daryl's Aunt's with his cousins and Aubrie got to play with all of her little cousins in the big pool. Jumping into the pool about a thousand times wore Aubrie out, so she stayed at Grammy Lynda's while we got to go out to Chef's for our sixth anniversary.
Sunday we went to Tim Horton's for our Buffalo doughnut fix and then had our friends over for a picnic. Aubrie got to spend more quality time with her buddies, Anna, Morgan and Riley, whom she misses very much. It was quite the busy weekend.

How cute!!! Can't wait to see the rest of the All-American pictures.
35 days... I thought, wow that's not a lot of time for you guys! Then it hit me... geeze, we're due only 4 days later. ARRRGH!!!
We can't wait to meet little... ??Z...
Interesting post..! Those kids are really enjoying their life… Nice photo.
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