Monday, September 29, 2008


As long as Aubrie has been alive, we have had two cats and a dog. Within the last year or so, Aubrie decided that Cinnamon was her cat, Barron was Mommy's dog and Bruce was Daddy's cat.

Anyways, Cinnamon does not deal well with change and has been having a very difficult time adjusting to our new house and the new baby would only have added more stress to a cat that was already having "behavioral" issues (vet diagnosis for his refusal to use his litter box). My parents decided to give Cinnamon a chance to live at their house as a last resort before he went back to the SPCA. We did not tell Aubrie that her cat was going to live with Grammy and Papa and she has not seemed to notice that she has not seen her cat in over a month.

This past weekend we went to my parent's house for the first time since Cinnamon moved. We figured that Aubrie would recognize her cat and get very upset, but when she saw Cinnamon she proclaimed: "That kitty is the same color as my Cinnamon, Grammy and Papa got a new kitty just like my kitty. What's his name?" To which my mother responded "Tiger." So my parents now have a 'new' cat named Tiger who looks just like Cinnamon and Aubrie still does not realize that her cat no longer lives with us.


Anonymous said...

I just laughed me behind off! Very funny.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha... I guess Cinnamon REALLY loves his garage... he must be having a ball out there!