It has been a while since I posted. We have since gotten heat back, which is a good thing since we have had record lows in the single digits (definitely looking into the new furnace with the tax return)!
Aubrie and Minnie at the World of Disney store in NYC.

Tyler and Mom at the Rock to see the tree.

Aubrie's penguin that Santa brought...pre-filling at the Build-a-Bear Store, in her Belle dress that Santa also brought, which she has pretty much not taken off since.

Tyler on his noisy fire truck from Aunt Katie.

Aubrie bringing Happy Feet alive at the mall.

Tyler's baptism, December 28, 2008.

With his God Parents, Jaclyn and Kevin.

Tyler with his future wife, Clara, who was born a few days after him.

Aubrie and her buddies just before midnight on New Years eve.

Aubrie a few minutes after New Years...enough party, time for bed.

Aubrie getting her achievement ribbon at gymnastics class.

My cheerleaders with their first place trophy after competition Saturday.