Tyler started eating solid food a few weeks ago and he LOVES it!!! In the past few weeks he has eaten more rice cereal than Aubrie has eaten in her entire life. We have already gone through two boxes. We have also tried applesauce and today we added squash. Again he loves both of these. With Aubrie, we were lucky if she ate a whole jar of food in one day. Tyler would eat more than one jar in a sitting, along with a bowl of cereal.

Uncle Justin and Aunt Jessica came to visit last weekend. Aubrie was thrilled to see her 'friends' and had a great time building her Christmas Ginger Bread House. (just a bit behind).

We were also able to hang our new TV over the fireplace with their help. Now we just need to finish building the wall to separate the two rooms and build some kind of cabinet/shelving for the rest of the audio components. (can't wait for that tax refund.)

Tyler's Baptism pictures:

1 comment:
Hey! I still have a full wall shelving unit intact! You can kill two jobs in one. Or they make rally good tool shelves. (Trust me, Really Good)
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