Sunday, September 21, 2008

Random Stuff

Go Bills!
The Bills are 3-0. It has been a long while since the Bills were in first place with a promising future. Unfortunately we live in Giants country and the Bills games are not usually on TV. We did find a Bills bar though, so Aubrie and Tyler had their first bar experience. Tyler slept the whole time, but received many compliments from the other Bills fans on his attire. Aubrie was interested for a little while, but then moved on to work on the puzzle that we brought along.
Aubrie and Tyler in their Bills attire.
Aubrie's new obsession is working on puzzles. She has a few 24 piece puzzles that are for 3-5 year olds, which she can put together in about 2 minutes. We got her a 50 piece puzzle that was supposed to be difficult for her, but she has mastered that as well. Right now she is working on the 150 piece puzzle for 6-8 year olds. This one is taking a bit longer.
Last weekend we went apple picking at a local orchard, which Aubrie loved...Tyler was slightly less interested.
Finally, a video from Aubrie's dance class.

Can't wait until Tyler does more than just lay around :)


Anonymous said...

I love Aubrie's poms! did you order those Kristen? or are they your new schools colors?

Hope the family is well, and the new team is doing great.

Anonymous said...

whoops, forget to sign :x

- Ashley Morris

Kristen said...

Those are Aubrie's Bills new school is purple and gold (aubrie has those also :))