Not a very exciting Super Bowl weekend at the Zbrzezny household. Both kids have the sniffles so we skipped out on the party we were supposed to go. Instead we hung crown molding in our master. It still needs to touched up, but we now have one room almost done in our house.


As I mentioned, Tyler has a bit of a cold, so he is not very happy right now, but otherwise he is doing well. At almost 6 months, he is very different from Aubrie. She was very independent; she did not want to be held or cuddled for long periods of time and she was very happy playing with a toy in her crib or on the floor by herself. Tyler wants nothing to do with being put down. If we are awake, he wants to be in our arms (I am currently typing one handed while holding him the other arm.) This is nice in terms of cuddling and bonding, but does not allow me to get much done around the house and is not helping him learn how to roll over or sit up etc. The only place we have found that we can put him down with out him crying is on an old reclining chair that we got from Grandpa years ago.

If we surround him with pillows, he will take his afternoon nap in the chair rather than in my arms. Not the best solution, but for now, it works.
We are still doing well with food. Right now he is partial to cereal and fruit. We have tried squash and sweet potatoes, but neither of those seem to agree with him, even though he liked them. It is much easier having a baby who likes to eat as opposed to Aubrie who is still a terrible eater.

Tyler after his bath. He is not a fan of the actual bath, but a very happy baby afterward.
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