We then went to Grandma Lynda's for cake and ice cream. I made Aubrie a Princess Build-a-Bear cake, which took much longer than anticipated, but turned out beautiful, if I do say so myself.
Aubrie also got to celebrate at preschool on Tuesday since last week was vacation.
While Aubrie was enjoying the week, Tyler was having a much harder time of it. He turned six months on Valentines Day and went in for is 6 month check up. His hight is progressing well, but unfortunately he only gained 6 onces in the last two months, putting him in the first percentile for weight. He also has really bad eczema which we have not been able to get under control. Due to this combination of problems, the pediatrician decided to send us to some specialists. On Monday we went to the dermatologist, who has Ty on three different ointments. Today we went to the allergist. 17 pin pricks later, we now know Ty has a severe milk allergy. So we either need to switch him to soy formula or I need to cut all milk and milk related products out of my diet to continue to nurse him. We will also have to start carrying an epi-pen in case of an emergency. This could also explain why he throws up after every meal. The doctor is hopeful that he will out grow this allergy in a few years but until that time, he will be on a very strict diet. You would be really surprised at how many products contain some form of milk. Even many of the Stage 2 baby foods have some milk or milk products in them. On a good note, we know that Ty is not allergic to Barron or Bruce, so we can keep our pets :) I am optimistic that this information will help us solve his medical problems so he gains weight and start sleeping more than 3 hours at a time!
Happy Birthday Aubrie! I am extremely impressed with your cake. Can you ship one to London. ;)
Poor little Tyler. :( At least you have some answers for his problems of late. I know a couple of kids who have outgrown their milk allergy, so hopefully he will in time. Good luck with getting it all under control.
First, that cake is AWESOME. Wow.
John had a really good time at Build-a-Bear, actually. :) We thought we could keep it from Anna that she missed the party, but she kept asking when it would be, so we had to break the news to her. It didn't go well, and I promised we would visit soon, that seemed to make her feel better.
Poor little guy!! I'm glad you have a diagnosis you can work with, though. Hopefully you'll see some improvement soon! (and get some sleep...) I tried giving up dairy/wheat/soy for a few weeks when Anna's eczema was especially bad - dairy is in EVERYthing. I was basically eating plain vegetables and fruits, lean meats, and rice... great for the waistline!! At one point I was craving chocolate so badly I considered going at the tub of cocoa powder with a spoon. (bleargh, not a good idea)
Well this is a long comment, wow. Basically just wanted to express our support! Good luck!! Hope you get a happy baby and good night's sleep soon!
The cake looked great! Have you tried making any of Tyler's food. I make Leisy's and she loves it. It takes about 30 minutes to cut, steam, and puree the food. Then I freeze it in ice cube trays and pull out a cube as I need it. Good luck!
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